Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Final Salute: A Story of Unfinished Lives

Final Salute: A Story of Unfinished Lives Final Salute: A Story of Unfinished Lives by Jim Sheeler

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
Heartbreaking book about the reality of our troops not coming home, Casualty Notification and the aftermath for the soldiers families and friends. Marine Staff Sergeant Kevin Thomas was quoted in the book to say "You always here all these statements like "Freedom isn't free." You hear the President talking about all these people making sacrifices. But you never really know until you carry one of them in the casket. When you feel their body weight. When you feel them, That's when you know. That's when you understand." For most people reading this book will be the closest they get to understanding. It will make you realize how disconnected you are from the war going on right now and hopefully make you think of "What can I do?" Final Salute is a must read for every American and should be required reading for every President. No matter what we think about the war in Iraq, we need to remember the troops. We need to support them and honor them.

View all my reviews.